1 min Read

New Seedless Blackberry Changing the Game for Consumers, Growers, and the Environment

Pairwise, a leading genetics-based food and agriculture innovation company, has developed the world’s first seedless blackberry using their proprietary CRISPR-based Fulcrum™ Platform. This breakthrough creates blackberries with soft, small seeds like those in seedless grapes and watermelons, aiming to transform the blackberry market and pave the way for seedless versions of other fruits like cherries. The innovation addresses consumer preferences: more than 30% of consumers dislike seeds, and many just avoid blackberries all together because of the seeds.

In addition to the seedless feature, Pairwise has also engineered the blackberry variety to be thornless and more compact. These traits not only make harvesting and growing easier, but also benefit the environment. By enabling more efficient fruit harvesting, increasing yield per acre, and reducing resource inputs like water and land, the compact plants can be planted at higher densities, thereby enhancing productivity and profitability without compromising on flavor and quality. This innovation is a win-win for all, promoting sustainability in the food and agriculture industry.

The future is bright, with more exciting developments on the horizon.

Read more via Pairwise

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